Introducing Electrathon International

This is Electrathon International! Today we welcome representatives from Electrathon America and Electratón México to Spartan Superway and the Solar Skyways Design Center in Silicon Valley! We learned a lot about student-run engineering programs touring with Professor Harry Quackenboss, Team Mentor, San Jose State Formula SAE . Oscar Juarez (Electrathon), Prof Furman (Spartan Superway), Mike Merchant (Electrathon), Harry Quackenboss (Formula SAE), Ron Swenson (Spartan Superway / INIST) Miguel Miranda and Ron Swenson explored options for integrating the several pending racing classes of Electrathon and the possibility of including the advanced Spartan Superway curriculum into Electrathon's international program. Miguel Miranda and Ron Swenson ( the guys with the hats )